Sands of Time

White Sands, New Mexico
First, I wanted to say a very heart felt THANK YOU to all of you who helped me so much with your very kind words and thoughts over the last few weeks.

I have been on a bit of a journey, and it has led me not only to places I have never seen, but also to places inside myself I had yet to know. The trip brought me even closer to my brother who just passed away.

I wish I had been to this place he lived before he was gone. I wish I had shared it with him and seen his  proud face when presenting this brilliant place to us.....

I wish we had trekked up and down these dunes together to see what was on the other side.....

Grains of gypsum, so white and cool
I wish we had counted the white grains together.....

And touched the clouds....

...and smiled .... knowing what we know about each other.......knowing what a place like this can mean to a heart......

Someone captured my thoughts in the sand before we even arrived
All I can do is add my wishes to the grains of sand and hope they reach you.